Co-chair position – Term ends March 29, 2019. If you are interested in assuming the position, think about whom you would like to share that position with. It is very important that you have a co-chair that you can communicate with regularly and easily.
*Securing a Speaker – (Topics Relevant to School Therapist); **set conference date based on when speaker available; negotiating fee; get any hand-outs from the guest speaker in an adequate time for secretary/treasurers to print.
*Submitting application to PTAG & GOTA for CEU accreditation
*Once Host county has secured a VENUE:
Making sure that venue can accommodate a minimum of 200.
Make sure venue allows for lunch to be served in space rented.
Signing contract, securing liability insurance for venue; making sure audio/visual services are in place;
get a list of local Hotels and contact information nearby Venue ….
*Once Host county has secured a potential caterer: Discuss menu with caterer; details of service; price negotiation; sign catering contract….
*Put Brochure together with details of conference and speaker
*Make sure Brochure is posted on website with ample time for Registration payments to be made; so that you can give caterer a count for food service. And Secretary Treasurers have time to complete certificates of completion…..
There are other details but this is the main focus
New Term includes:
Fall 2019 Begin [October -Friday]
Spring 2020 [March -Friday]
Fall 2020 [October -Friday]
Spring 2021 End [March -Friday]